Well 2020 has been a scary time for all of us! We all got a chance to do those things around the house we thought we never had time for. No more excuses they should all be done by now. Spring cleaning is complete the gardens are growing. All my cabinets have been cleaned out and rearranged. All my inside chores are done and ready for some FUN with Friends outside of our homes.

AOT has continued to grow our IT services. We have started using a new Security Software SENTINAL ONE!! We have added a new IT tech Jeff White. Jeff has a DOD background so of course Frank is thrilled.   Jeff brings more DOD, and DFARS knowledge to the group.  With Jeff and Adam working on and in the IT world Al has more time for special projects.  Adam is building us a well-lit MEDIA ROOM with good sound. We are ready when clients would like to meet via Video conferencing business can go on.


The sales department has grown as well. Julie Rowland has joined our team. Julie brings a wealth of IT sales knowledge to us. She has also jumped right into copier and phone sales.

Julie has started to put together her own HOT, and Lady leader’s luncheons. Dates, who, when, where. New concepts are being  DESIGNED for networking.


Kellyn has completed her ConnectWise training and started implemented all its great features along with all her other duties.   ConnectWise is a ticketing system for all our service departments our inventory and our billing system. Yes, it is a handful to learn but its all in one place now like us one reliable source instead of QuickBooks, Trackit, and MSA.


Lori is redesigning the website and brushing up on Human Resources with all this growth as her duties are continuing to change.


Arnold is giving up his copier ticketing system of more than 15 years using Trackit and embracing ConnectWise.  Andy is helping the copier side of the house by making most of the toner delivers.